
About Me

Why Am I Writing A Blog?

I hope to share with others what the path of infertility is like. It’s like many other things, unless you’ve walked along that path, it is difficult to understand. I often think of my family members who have met cancer head on. Some have won the battle, and some have lost. I can pray for them, I can cheer them on and I can be by their side along the way, but I cannot know what it feels like to have a doctor say that I have been diagnosed with cancer. My hope is that through this blog, I will be able to open the doors and shine a light on what it is like to struggle to have children when so many seem to conceive so easily. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about God and His grace, mercy and love as I face another day as a woman desperately seeking to become a parent.

A Little More About Me

I grew up in Columbus, Indiana. My parents made sure I always had what I needed (and actually so much more). They taught me the importance of education and treating others with love and respect.

I have been the wife to a wonderful man, Chad, who is the love of my life and the leader of our home. We met, and got married, in Columbus, Indiana. We have recently (in 2012) moved from Indiana to Orlando, Florida! We love the sunshine state, but certainly miss our Hoosier family and friends!

My nephew and niece are two of the greatest blessings I have ever known! It is extremely important for me to be a part of their lives and to watch them grow up. My most recent trip to Indiana was one in which I was able to watch my niece play soccer and my nephew play football. They will always hold a special place in my heart!

I was an elementary school teacher for 10 years. One thing I miss about Indiana is being able to watch my students grow up and have them come back and visit!

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